Design Resilient Architecture 30%
- reliable and resilient storage
- S3 // TODO
- design decoupling mechanisms
- load balancer
- elastic IP: decouple IP addresses from the server
- multi-tier architecture solutions
- high availability and/or fault-tolerant solutions:
- user can access service under any circumstances; can allow certain performance degradation
- fault tolerance: user does not experience any issue; more strict requirements
- RTO vs. RPO
- Recovery Time Objective: time to recover from a failure without causing significant performance degradation
- Recovery Performance Objective: the amount of data that can be lost before significant performance degradation occurs
HA: Highly Available architecture
- Always design for failure
- use multiple AZs and regions wherever you can
- multi-AZ vs. read replicas for RDS // TODO
- scaling out vs. scaling up
- scaling out: use auto-scaling groups(add instances)
- scaling up: increase resources inside EC2 instance (e.g. increase CPU, memory, storage)beware of the cost element
- different S3 storage classes
HA Architecture Example
HA Bastion Hosts
- Option1: separate hosts in different AZs; use a network load balancer with static IP address and health checks to ensure that the host is up
- layer 4 load balancer needed, so it cannot be an application load balancer // TODO
- OPtion2: one host in a single AZ behind an Auto Scaling Group with health checks and a fixed EIP,
- if the host fails, the health check will fail and the auto-scaling group will automatically provision a new EC2 instance.
- not 100 percent fault-tolerant, but can be used as a backup; will take some time to recover from a failure
- lowest cost option
即可 无论4层负载均衡还是Auto Scaling Group策略,与health check一起都属于BFF层 BFF->Service(Public SN)->DB(Private SN)
Define Performant Solutions 28%
Performant means that the service is fast and reliable
- performant storage and databases
- EBS: different types of storage classes //TODO
- S3: host static files (instead of keeping them in the EC2 instance)
- RDS vs. MongoDB vs. Redshift
- replicas
- caching
- design solutions for elasticity and scalability
HPC: High Performance Computing
- data transfer: See Jayendra’s Blog // TODO
- Snowball Snowmobile // TODO
- DataSync // TODO
- Direct Connect
- cache
- CloudFront // TODO
- API Gateway
- ElastiCache - Memcached and Redis
- DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) // TODO
- compute and network
- EC2 instances(GPU, CPU optimized)
- EC2 fleets (e.g. spot fleets)
- placement groups (cluster placement groups for low latency)
- enhanced networking (e.g. ENA, VF, EFA) // TODO
- storage
- instance-attached storage
- instance-store volumes
- network storage
- S3 : Distributed Object-based Storage; not a file system
- EFS: scale IOPS based on total size, or use provisioned IOPS //TODO
- FSx or Lustre: HPC-optimized distributed file system; millions of IOPS; backed by S3
- orchestration and automation 服务调度编排与自动化
- AWS Batch: run many batch computation jobs
- AWS ParallelCLuster
- instance-attached storage
Specify Secure Applications and Architectures 24%
- secure application tier
- secure data
- in transit
- Snowball // TODO
- at rest
- data on S3 is private by default and need credentials to access
- in transit
- networking infrastructure for VPC
- subnets
- security groups and NACLs (network access control lists)
- IGW (internet gateway); NAT gateway/instance
- bastion hosts
- shared responsibility model
- AWS responsibility: AZ, region, edge locations, EC2 // TODO edge locations are the locations where the service is deployed.(?)
- principle of least privilege*
Design Cost-optimized Architecture 18%
- storage
- compute
- serverless architecture
- CloudFront // TODO
- no charge for data transfer between CloudFront and S3
- key principles
- pay as you need
- pay less when reserved
- pay less per unit when use more
Define Operationally Excellent Architectures 0%
- prepare operate update
- perform operations with code
- annotate documentation
- make frequent, small, reversible changes
- refine operations procedures frequently
- anticipate failure // 预见错误
- related services
- AWS config //TODO
- CloudFormation //TODO
- VPC flow logs //TODO
- CloudTrail //TODO
- CloudWatch //TODO
- AWS Trusted Advisor //TODO