About the exam
- 65 questions
- some are multiple selection questions
- No PENALTY for incorrect answers so guess
- can mark for later review
- identify the key AWS features in each question
- look for phrases like “with minimum cost”
- Single AZs are expected to unlikely to be the right answer
- AWS-managed services are always preferred
- fault tolerant is not equivalent to high availability
- expect everything will fail at some point
- if data is unstructured, S3 is usually the preferred solution
- Security Groups only allow, NACLs only deny
- IAM roles are preferred to access keys
- for flexible schema, DynamoDB is the preferred solution
- SAML <==> SSO
- DDoS <==> AWS Shield + AWS WAF
- Orchestration
- Container <==> ECS
- Serverless <==> AWS Step Functions
- Tasks <==> SWF
- IPSec <==> AWS VPC VPN
- usually bad practice to use SQS with db for performance; use replicas, elasticache or auto scaling if possible
- WORM <==> object lock (in S3)
- FIPS 140-2 Level 2 <==> AWS KMS
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 <==> CloudHSM
- most AWS services use VPC Interface Endpoint except for S3 and DynamoDB, which use VPC Gateway Endpoint
Tips for exams
- when creating a VPC, subnet and IGW are NOT created automatically; route table, NACL and Security Group are created automatically
- when migrating, AWS does NOT copy launch permissions, user-defined tags, or Amazon S3 bucket permissions from the source AMI to the target AMI.
- 3 levels of VPC flow log
- VPC level
- subnet level
- Network Interface level
- Gateway Endpoint for S3 and DynamoDB, while Interface Endpoint for all other services
- CloudFormation major sections:
- Format Version
- Description
- Metadata
- Parameters
- Mappings
- Conditions
- Transform
- Resources (required)
- Outputs