Here I’m glad to announce the release of TRPcG and GoBalancer.
TRPcG ✈ is a fast, stable, light-weight and high-performance RPC framework for Go. It’s also a example net/rpc
-based RPC framework which can help people better understand RPC.
Go Balancer 🚦 is a fast, stable, light-weight layer-7 load balancer written in go. Based on net/http/httputil
, also a load-balancing algorithm library.
Both of them are released under the Mizumoto General Public License v1.2 as usual. Which is basically a Mozilla Public License v2.0, but with special restrictions:
By using any part of this project, you are deemed to have fully understanding and acceptance of the following terms:
- You must conspicuously display, without modification, this License and the notice on each redistributed or derivative copy of the License Covered Work.
- Any non-independent developers companies/groups/legal entities or other organizations should ensure that employees are not oppressed or exploited, and that employees can always receive a reasonable salary for their legal working hours.
- Any independent or non-independent developers/companies/groups/legal entities or other organizations, shall ensure that it has a clear conscience, including and not limited to opposition to any form of Nazi or Neo-Nazism organization(s).
Otherwise these Individuals / Companies / Groups / Legal-entities will not have the right to copy / modify / redistribute any code / file / algorithm governed by MGPL v1.2.